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Move More

Changing the Way You PLAY!

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”

Remember, play can be simple. It doesn’t require elaborate preparation, materials, or toys. What it indeed requires is TIME. We provide children with the opportunity of open-ended play with family and friends. Schedule your private playgroup or child school for a field trip, join an open gym, and get fit together!

Tikes + Tunes

Our music programs are a unique blend of fun and education, designed to inspire and teach children the joys of music while nurturing strong family and community connections. Children in her program thrive musically and socially while immersed in a fun, musical environment. 


Our mission is to help parents bond with their children through music and movement. She offers a unique approach with a passionate, fun-filled way of educating children with the power of sound.

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Field Trips + Playgroups

These parent/teacher-supervised indoor play sessions let kids blow off steam while they have fun on our fit + play equipment. Our indoor private tumble + play session is 2 hours for up to 16 kids. We welcome school field trips or parent playgroups to schedule. An additional fee for extra kids is available. (No food or cake allowed at playgroup) Click here to see the flyer.


Open Gym + Play

Our indoor play sessions are limited now and will expand in the winter. It’s a neat way for kids to sample the Tumble Tikes experience. Perfect for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (up to age 7) to enjoy exploring all the gymnastics equipment together in a fun and healthy way. We will host them as Pop-Up events on open weekends, school holidays, or vacation weeks. Also, be sure to sign up for our emails to get all the updates. 

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Barre + Boot Camp

There’s no better way to keep active and get fit than to move on a journey together and find fun and playful ways! We combine fitness, yoga, barre and of course lots of play, while kids can participate in the class with you or explore the tumbling gym. Classes will incorporate a full-body workout with strength, flexibility, and balance to get lean and toned.  

Video of one of our classes!

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