Spring I Session Begins Mar 3rd - ENROLL NOW! Sign Up Here!
New to Our Programs
You’ve signed your little one up for their first gymnastics or dance class. We are so happy you chose us to introduce your child to these fantastic activities. So...what now? Here are our tips for making sure your little Tumble Tiker has the best first-class ever:
We all like to feel as prepared as possible when trying something new. Start talking to your little one about their new class; use a lighthearted and excited tone. You can also do some fun activities to get prepared:
Make a countdown calendar--”5 days until gymnastics!” A countdown is a great way to prepare and excite your gymnast or dancer for their big day.
Show them videos online, read books, and watch shows about gymnastics or dance. Talk about what you’re looking at. “What was your favorite part? Do you think you’ll do that in your new class?”
Practice getting dressed in their leotards or exercise clothes to excite them and reduce their anxiety on the first day of class. Reminder: no jewelry, long hair should be pulled up, and socks are optional.
Talk them through the class structure; ask them what they’re most excited about and nervous about. Try to address any nerves now; they will have the skills to deal with them on Day One.
You can drive them by the gym, walk by it, or visit us before the first class. We’d love to give you and your little one a tour!
Arriving early is the most critical thing you can do to ensure your child has a successful first class. A rushed child is much more likely to experience anxiety and shut down. When you arrive early, you allow your child to adjust to their surroundings, meet their teacher, and build their confidence. We suggest allowing at least ten extra minutes on your first day.
If you foresee separation being an issue, bring your child’s favorite small stuffed animal to “watch class.” Having something to remind them of home helps ease anxiety. We are very flexible on our “Stuffy Policy” for the first few weeks!
We want to keep everything as light as possible for the first week or two. Focus on the positive--if your little one only participated in class for five minutes, really talk up those five minutes. And don’t forget, and your instructor is there to help in any way! Stick around and chat after class--the three of you can brainstorm ways to turn those five minutes into ten.
Feel free to call us and schedule a tour or chat with your instructor about easing this new transition. We can’t wait to see you on the first day!